The great pyramid passages and chambers

PLATE LXXXIX., times manage to secure some of these letters, but this is prevented as much as possible. 379 As Bethlehem is only three-quarters of an hour's drive from Jerusalem, we were soon passing through the narrow, picturesque main street on our way to the Church of the Nativity, so called because it is built over the traditional scene of the birth of

The cave under the Church of the Nativity ; showing the “ Manger” to the left.

Jesus—Plate LKXXVIII. Some soldiers, with their new rifles, of which, Mr. Jamal said, they are very proud, were guarding the church. Passing through a low entrance, the ancient iron door of which was made very thick by the early Christians for the purpose of excluding their enemies, we found ourselves inside the church. We walked through the building and viewed the old pictures, some of which, with the undoubted object of intimidating the ignorant with the “doctrines of devils,” show victims writhing in the lurid flames of ‘Eternal Torment.”

380 In two of the small caves underneath the Church, all of which are dimly lit with hanging lamps of silver, we were informed that Eusebius and Jerome lay buried. Ina third cave (Plate LXXXIX), connected with the first two by low passages, Jesus is supposed to have been born ; whether this be so or not, it is difficult to say. However, as John says, Bethlehem is the place where Jesus was born, and also David, who typified