The great pyramid passages and chambers


Hotel Du Parc, Jaffa. Monday, 12 noon, Sth July, 1909.

DEAR BRETHREN,—Jack and I are now in Jaffa, waiting till it is time to go on board our ship (of the Khedival line), bound for Port Said. We are travelling direct to the pyramids. One night will be spent on board ship; and on our arrival at Port Said we shall wire to Abdul Salam Faid to have our tents ready for us. We left John and Grace with Stanley in Jerusalem; but if Stanley is sufficiently well by Saturday they will follow us to the pyramids then. In the meantime they think it safer not to hurry him too much, as he is still very weak.

392 On Saturday night last (3rd July), Brother Cotton arrived in Jerusalem. He and Mr. David Hall have had a fairly successful business tour in Gaza; they secured sufficient interest to enable them to supply a motor traction-engine with all the necessary accessories for ploughing, threshing, etc.

393 We left John arranging with Brother Cotton and Mr. Anis Jamal for a public meeting to be held in Jerusalem. We have been somewhat disappointed at not being able to do much witnessing for the Truth there, John’s and Stanley's illness preventing us from carrying out our plans. Now, however, that John requires to remain there for nearly a week longer, Jerusalem will get the lecture on “ Where are the Dead ?” after all! John will no doubt give you a full account of their experiences.

394 On Friday evening we visited the Jews’ wailing-place (Plate XCI), and this time Grace was able to accompany us, as the hospital nurse had kindly agreed to take charge of Stanley for a few hours. The wailing-place is situated outside to the south of the ancient wall which bounds the Temple Area on the west—Plate LXXXV. The attendant provided us with seats, and we looked on for half an hour. We were greatly interested in observing those Jews from all countries in the world, many of them dressed in brightly coloured gowns and coats, praying, rocking to and fro continually, and reading the Psalms and Lamentations aloud in a wailing tone. At times a leader would recite a petition to the Lord, and others around would join in the’responses. Many of them had tears in their eyes, and all of them kissed the Temple stones. We could not but be impressed with the feeling that something lay behind all this continual praying, tears and supplication. Even if we were not blessed with a knowledge of the ‘ Plan of the Ages,” and were not fully persuaded that God will again turn his favour to them, we should have been forced to reflect on the problem of the Jew, and to wonder if God has still some purpose in view with regard to this wonderful people.

395 Before returning to our hotel, we walked down part of the ancient Tyropceon