The great pyramid passages and chambers

crowded filthy streets—Plate LKKXV. Whena donkey comes along, laden or unladen, or a porter with his burden, we must squeeze into the side to let them pass. There is only room for four people to walk abreast ; but this would be possible only if the streets were deserted, for many of the merchants squat on each side with their wares, and as there is a constant stream of people, it is impossible as a rule for even two to walk abreast. The smell is dreadful all the way, and clouds of flies hang over the foodstuffs, especially the sweets, and also over the vegetable refuse which litters the street. I can assure you, we were glad when we finally emerged into David Street, and then out by the Jaffa Gate. The streets outside the city walls are broad like European roadways.

424 This morning I called on Canon Brown, head of the London Jews’ Society, for a bottle of milk for Stanley. He keeps a cow, and has been very good to us, supplying us with fresh milk every day. Then I visited the English Hospital for Jews, and saw Dr. Wheeler perform a few minor operations, and had a look round the Hospital with him. This evening we intend to drive to the Tombs of the Kings and elsewhere, and Grace is now making tea for us before we start. We expect (D.V.) to leave Jerusalem on the 10th (Saturday), and hope to spend a week at the Great Pyramid before returning home.

With much love in the Lord, in which Grace joins, Your loving brother,