The great pyramid passages and chambers


446 We next drove to the Garden Tomb, which is believed by Col. Conder and others to be the real tomb of Jesus. It is outside the wall to the north of the city, near the base of a cliff which is shaped like a skull, and hence might aptly receive the name Golgotha or Calvarium, the place of a skull (not skulls). After leaving the Garden Tomb we drove

The Cave under the Dome of the Rock, in the Mosque of Omar.

along outside the north wall of the city eastward till we reached the Valley of the Kedron (the Valley of Jehoshaphat), and then down southward by the very steep and rough road into the valley to the Garden of Gethsemane, which is situated at the base of the Mount of Olives, opposite the Mosque of Omar. The Garden is kept by a Roman Catholic priest. Several olive trees in it are of an extreme age. One of them, which is claimed to be the place of our Lord’s agony, is evidently very, very old.

447 Next day, Thursday 8th, after the heat of the day, we walked into the city and visited the Mosque of Omar. Plate CIV is a photograph of Dr. Schick's model of this mosque, and the Temple Area. It gives a good idea of the present appearance of the place. As this was my second visit I was able to explain the various points of interest to Grace and Stanley. The Mosque of Omar has a dull appearance when viewed from a distance, but close at hand it looks very well—Plate CV. The lower half is composea of marble, and the upper half of blue porcelain. Inside, the lofty dome and stained