The great pyramid passages and chambers


Tents at the Great Pyramid of Gizeh. Tuesday, 13th July, 1909.

welcome to our village of tents, John, m, and also to see that Stanley was

“king in the First Ascending Passage, - You will remember how we had Voints on the walls seemed so hopejes to give up in despair. However, me already spent would be wasted. 1s confusion to us, is now seen to be 2 passage. This we discovered when ch of the walls—Plate CX. id, Sth edition, page 295, Professor >: “In the year 1872, Mr. Waynman down everything measurable touchrst Ascending Passage of the Great rth end of the Grand Gallery; and ding the apparent disorder, tending r the chief discovery was, that at tre separately portions of the walls, sreat transverse plates of stone, with cut clean through them; wherefore, and ceiling, all in one piece.” rdles. Before leaving home we had is marking tmportant dates in the no with care, and found that while all ynes in this passage by their remarkby symmetrical joints in the stones e joints, as shown in the diagram - of their angles one with another. the three upper Girdles, there are to call the Pyramid students’ special sccentuate their importance, the inset ones, as a reference to the diagram

nological significance in the lower Girdles,