The great pyramid passages and chambers

121 In 2 Tim. 1: 10 it is stated that Jesus, by his death and resurrection, abolished death and brought life and immortality to light through the Gospel. Life on the plane of human perfection, as it will be at the end of Christ’s Millennial reign on earth, is indicated by the Queen’s Chamber. Immortality is indicated on a higher level by the King’s Chamber, into which entrance is gained only by means of the Grand Gallery and Ante-Chamber. The Grand Gallery represents the pathway of justification by faith which leads to the high or heavenly calling to joint-heirship with Christ; and the AnteChamber represents the ‘School of Christ,’ the school of consecration unto death, in which those who accept the calling and are accepted by the Lord, are made meet for the heavenly inheritance symbolized by the King’s Chamber. The Grand Gallery, Ante-Chamber, and King’s Chamber have the same significance as the Court, Holy, and Most Holy of the Tabernacle—See Tabernacle Shadows by C. T. Russell, pp. 19-21.

122 The Descending Passage symbolizes the downward course of “this present evil world” (Gal. 1: 4) to destruction, represented by the Pit, or Subterranean Chamber. It is important to notice that it is not the people, but “this present evil world ’—the present evil institutions—which will be destroyed in Gehenna. These evil institutions will, thank God, never be re-awakened. The Pit thus symbolizes Gehenna, the condition of death from which there will be no awakening, just as the Well symbolizes Hades, the condition of death from which there will be an awakening.

123 From the Descending Passage, representing the plane of Adamic condemnation, to the upper planes of life and immortality represented by the Queen’s Chamber and the King’s Chamber respectively, two ways are shown in the Great Pyramid, namely, the First Ascending Passage, and the Well. A glance at Plate IX, which represents the passage system of the Great Pyramid, will show that of these two ways, the First Ascending Passage, representing the Law Covenant, appears to be much easier to ascend than the other. That is how the Israelites regarded the Law Covenant. When Moses laid before them the words which the Lord commanded him, “ All the people answered together and said, ‘ All that the Lord hath spoken we will do’’—Exod. 19: 8. They thought they could keep the Law and thus gain life, for God had said: ‘‘ Ye shall therefore keep my statutes and my judgments: which if a man do, he shall live in them: I am the Lord’’—Lev. 18:5. They did not recognize that it was impossible for fallen flesh to obey the Divine Law. What was it that blocked this way to life? It was the perfect Law of God. Just as the Granite Plug completely blocks the entrance of the First Ascending Passage of the Great Pyramid, so the Divine Law blocked the way of life which the Law Covenant offered to the Jew. Thus the Granite Plug symbolizes the Divine Law. As the Apostle put it, ‘‘ The commandment, which was ordained to life, I found to be unto death’—Rom. 7:°10. Through the Atonement Sacrifices, however, which the Lord instituted, the Israelites were typically justified (not really justified, because ‘it is not possible that the blood of bulls and of goats should take away sins ’’—Heb, 10: 4), and were accordingly reckoned by God as typically obeying the Law and progressing along the Law Dispensation. ! The First Ascending Passage, therefore, symbolizes both the Law Covenant and the Law Dispensation.

124 As the First Ascending Passage is blocked, and the passage forced by Al Mamoun is no part of the original design of the Great Pyramid, it follows that there is only one way open from the Descending Passage, symbolical of Adamic condemnation,