The house of Industry : a new estate of the realm


nised Socialist organisation. The basis of it is democratic control of industry, of which the only outward expression at the moment is the House of Industry, here outlined.

We could wish that the splendid courage and unselfish motives of the Mosley Group were turned to the permanently constructive and not to improvisation, which leads nowhere and leaves behind an unconscionable load of mischief. But taking the Manifesto as it stands, it is an apology for autocracy, an entirely unsustained assertion thatin times of strain and stress, autocracy is more efficient than democracy. If, by evil chance, this argument should appeal to Socialists, as a whole, there is a remnant who will not only declare that Socialism has gone Fascist but famztz.

Thus the issue is simple but inexorable: Is it to be autocratic or democratic control of industry ?*


I sat in his office, chatting while we waited for another man to come. He adjusted his cigarette in a long amber holder and remarked genially:

‘‘ They tell me you’rea dangerous revolutionary and known to the police.’’

‘“ Possibly. Many years ago, the Russian

* Since this was written, Sir Oswald Mosley and his immediate friends have journeyed into the wilderness. Heaven knows when or how they willreturn. If they regard autocratic control as purely temporary, they should find the House of Industry as a practical alternative yielding better and quicker results,

and happily avoiding those autocratic methods to which organised Labour can only assent at the price of its own soul.