The house of Industry : a new estate of the realm


““ Between you and me, half the City is bluff and make-believe. And, if your House of Industry controlled credit, it could crush the City as easily aS} ag Just then a beetle crawled out from behind the fire-place. He went over and stamped on it.

““ As easily,’’ he continued, “‘ as I crushed that beetle.”’

“ And being a true blue Tory you’d vote for a continuance of bluff and make-believe? ”’

“T’m not so sure that I would. My crowd has the Labour agitation rumbling under us and the money magnates sitting on our heads. We're ground between the upper and nether millstones. I’ve a wife and family and I want to see them safe. If your House of Industry will bring industrial peace, curb the arrogance and pretensions of the financial big-bugs and give me a decent JOD) Jaye erie:

“ You’re having a thin time just now? ”’

“ We certainly are.”’

“ And if things look up and begin to boom? ”’

“Ah, well, my dear chap; after all I’m a true blue Tory.’’

Then the other man came in.


AFTER [ had told him about the House of Industry, he smiled in rather a superior way.

“Very fine and symmetrical,’”’ he said, ‘‘ but you overlook one thing.”’