The house of Industry : a new estate of the realm


in our industrial system has always been condemned in advance as contrary to economic law? ”’

‘Oh, I’m not against reasoned progress. No good Liberal is.”’

‘But not so much progress as would give industrial freedom to the workers? ”’

‘““ That’s not fair. I’m all for personal liberty ; but by personal, I mean the individual. What you're after is liberty for the mass, which might mean restricted liberty for the individual.’’

‘“ Even if mass action brings the wherewithal to enable every individual to exercise greater liberty? ”’

“ Put that way, what can I say? ”’

“Nothing; it’s the end of the argument. But I know where your bias comes from: the old individualism which Herbert Spencer popularised. The Marshal’s baton in the soldier’s knapsack ; every wage-earner a potential millionaire; each man must stand on his own feet; competition the soul of business; enlightened selfishness; and so on. I know at least fifty other platitudes and clichés 2a

‘““ Tt was not such a bad philosophy. It taught young men sharp lessons; but it built them up and raised them over their fellows.”’

‘“ True enough; but the successful millionaire must now knuckle under to the big combines and if he doesn’t toe the line they can smash him in a jiffy. In the end, he can only find economic liberty in his particular mass or group or com-