The house of Industry : a new estate of the realm


Liberty, the enemy of Tyranny, and I would die to-morrow in its defence.’’

“Stout fellow! ’’ I answered. “‘ But I’ve heard the same sort of thing before—it was part of the litany of the Chartists, you know.”

‘“« And none the worse for repeating now. ‘The price of liberty is eternal vigilance,’ and don’t you forget it.’’

““ Tt’s rather curious that you should be repeating the dear old tags. After all these years, is liberty still in danger? ”’

‘Tt would be if your propaganda succeeded ; for it is certain that the House of Commons must keep a firm grip on the economic life of the Nation.’’

“When did it first get that grip? ”’

‘‘ The answer is obvious: When it first established its right to impose taxation.”’

‘‘Not so obvious; for taxation implies property and income to tax. Where’s that firm grip? ”’

“Wait till we have a Labour majority and you'll see.”’

‘“ Then you haven’t got it yet? ”’

“Well, no; we haven’t got further than taxation.”’

‘‘ Which the consumer pays, whilst the manufacturers and merchants ride off with the

plunder.” The Labour Veteran’s voice took on a yet more solemn tone. ‘‘ Remember,’’ said he, “ the

enemy is that thrice accursed foreign importation known as laissez-faire.”