The house of Industry : a new estate of the realm


worst yet. Keep firmly in mind that the Commons by the instrument of taxation, command the army, the navy, the police, the judiciary, and in short are responsible for the protection and application of the whole body of common law. Now, what would happen if the Industrialists took possession of the House of Commons and told the politicians to go and do their work elsewhere? ”’

“It would be a calamity ; but it is unthinkable. The great Labour Party would never consent.’’

“You forget the Trades Union Congress found the politicians to be a nuisance and turned them out. It’s a way the industrialists have. Not, mark you, that they undervalue political work, but they have long since discovered that to run politics and economics in double harness is the height of folly.”’

““T feel,’’ said the Labour Veteran, ‘‘ that the foundations of my political creed are rocking. What you say makes me very unhappy.”

“ Better that they should rock now than later on. There are mistakes that spell infinite disaster. The State Socialists have been heading for it for twenty years. Now let’s come to the inevitable conclusion. The Industrialists control Parliament ; they control what Parliament controls ; our destiny as a nation is in their hands. How do you like the prospect? ”’

“Ah,” said the Labour Veteran cheerfully. “ T see through your little trick. You are playing the old game of going to the logical extreme.”’