The house of Industry : a new estate of the realm


Therefore, I recall to the I.L.P. its old fighting tradition, its fine courage and idealism. To win for Labour the House of Industry, with all that it implies—that is the Great Adventure. That surely makes an irresistible appeal to the storm troops of the Labour Army.


TWENTY-FIVE years ago, I started a discussion and, in a small way, an agitation for Socialist Unity. It began in The Clarion. In a week or two, the Editor was inundated with letters from the rank and file, begging the Socialist leaders to combine and form a United Socialist Party. It came to nothing. The Social Democrats voted for it, but the I.L.P. rejected it, on the ground that it would embarrass them in their approach to the Trade Unionists. Next followed the Labour Representation Committee, from which blossomed the Labour Party. On looking back, one sees clearly how impossible would have beena Socialist party led by Hyndman, Keir Hardie, H. Quelch, Tom Mann, Sidney Webb, Bernard Shaw. Apart from obvious temperamental differences, there were equally wide differences in theory and political opinion. The Fabians were still Permeationists and in close union with the London Progressive Party. Keir Hardie was anti-Marxist. Hyndman and Quelch were strict Marxists. Tom Mann was already drifting towards the Syndicalists.