The house of Industry : a new estate of the realm


moral objection is taken to the reverse process ; to wit: the enforcement of a constant minimum of unemployed to regulate the wage standard. Debased morals in both cases, and not a pin to choose between them.

Does not the modern young Socialist know that it has always been a vital part of Socialist doctrine that the abolition of the wage system is infinitely more important than even the abolition of the House of Lords?

To me, one of the greatest attractions of the House of Industry is that, by absorbing all unemployed, it knocks the bottom out of wagery. It can be simply stated. If there are two men after one job, wages fall. If there are two jobs at the choice of one man, wages do not go up; they disappear. Labour can enforce a partnership ; and with the partnership comes a change of status. That is why the Guild Socialists always declared that it was better to strike for a change of status than for a rise in wages.

With control and co-ordination, the House of Industry opens a new vista of industrial relationships. Modern capitalism is evolving on two parallel lines. It must keep Labour in subjection. That logically follows from rationalisation, the gams going to the proprietors and the losses to Labour. But, to achieve that end, Capitalism must have masterful directors and managers, who under joint stock are rapidly supplementing the old-time private employer. And these men are demanding and obtaining exorbitant salaries and