The mystery of the Great pyramid : traditions concerning it and its connection with the Egyptian Book of the dead : with numerous illustrations


divine tribunal, and was made glorious by the Unseen Light.’”—Book of the Master, p. 127.

This final mystery of all is disclosed to the Illuminate, now Master of the Secret, in chapter clxi, under the symbol of a tortoise analogous to a planet crawling slowly across the face of the sun, defacing it for a moment by its own darkness, to be finally lost in that orb’s brilliance; so also is Death finally vanquished in the Resurrection to Life Eternal.


“Ra (the Sun-god) liveth ; the Tortoise dieth.”” This is repeated four times, and is supposed to be addressed to each of the four winds of Heaven in turn, the vignette to the chapter, which is entitled ‘‘ The Chapter of Opening an Entrance into Heaven’’, representing the god Thoth