The mystery of the Great pyramid : traditions concerning it and its connection with the Egyptian Book of the dead : with numerous illustrations


Anglo-Saxons, working along entirely different lines of investigation. He shows that such an allegory existed as far back as 3000 B.C., or before the era of the Great Pyramid, and also that this prophecy refers to a nation of “ builders ” whose symbol was the “‘ year-circle ”, which—as explained in our Witness of the Great Pyramid (pp. 54-5, 256-9)—is the basis of the system of metrology used in the construction of the Great Pyramid. ‘The architect thereof must therefore have been a member of this same race, the symbol of which was borrowed by the Egyptians in the form of the “‘solar-disc”’ of Aten-worship, and which again appears in our own Stonehenge, for this ancient astronomical circle is set out on precisely the same yearcircle, proving that its erectors were also descendants of this nation of “‘ builders’, and used the same system of metrology as the architect of the Great Pyramid.t Moreover, archeology, folklore, and tradition, all confirm the fact of the Eastern origin of Stonehenge. This has also been established by the researches of Professor Waddell, who has inferred the same mathematical symbolism from the texts of ancient Asia and ancient Britain as have been derived from the geometrical symbolism of the Great Pyramid.


In connection with this tradition from Manetho of a race of shepherds who quitted Egypt in a body like the Israelites long after them, it is interesting to note that mention is made in Deut. ii, 23, of a race of ‘‘ Caphtorims which came forth out of Caphtor”’, and whom Jehovah had on an earlier occasion, and in a like manner, conducted out of Egypt, the incident being cited by Moses in order to revive the drooping spirits of the Israelites during their

1 The standard year-circle was one whose circumference in Pyramid inches, on a scale of 10 inches to a day, defined the number of days in the solar year. This circle (1162. 6 P. inches, or 1163 British inches, diameter) falls precisely internal to the outer ring of stones forming Stonehenge. (See also Note T.)