The mystery of the Great pyramid : traditions concerning it and its connection with the Egyptian Book of the dead : with numerous illustrations


passage sloping down from the north face, the opening in which was some distance above ground, as in the Great Pyramid. This passage ran in the rock under the centre of the pyramid horizontally for a short distance, then turned upwards as a vertical shaft, opening into the floor of the chamber.

Seneferu’s pyramid at Dashur was known as _ his “Southern ” pyramid, but to-day it goes by the name of the Great, or Northern Stone Pyramid of Dashur, the term Southern being applied to its neighbour, also of stone (the other pyramids of Dashur are of brick construction, and much smaller). This latter pyramid is remarkable in that its upper part is finished off at a flatter angle of slope as if the builders, finding their task too arduous, adopted this means of reaching the summit sooner. For this reason it is also sometimes referred to as the “‘ Blunt ” Pyramid. Another peculiarity of this (so-called) Southern stone pyramid is that it possesses two entrances, one in the north face, and another in the western face giving access to a second descending passage, which, however, has never been explored.

These two stone pyramids of Dashur rank next in size to Khafra’s pyramid at Gizeh, Seneferu’s being slightly the larger of the pair, reaching to a height of 4,111 inches against 4,029 inches for the ‘‘ Blunt”? pyramid, while their base sides measure 8,633 and 7,400 inches respectively (Vyse). The same dimensions for the Second Pyramid of Gizeh are: height 5,664 inches (Petrie) ; 5,451 (Vyse); base side (average) 8,475 inches (Petrie). Thus Seneferu’s Dashur pyramid stands on a base larger than that of Khafra’s, but is not so lofty. The Third Pyramid of Gizeh follows a long way behind, with a height of 2,581 inches and base side of 4,153 inches.