The organic vision of Hélan Jaworski



Dr Jaworski was by birth a Pole, but most of his working life was passed in France. He served as a doctor in the French Forces in World War One and after the war worked in Paris. Through his books, all of which, with the exception of the last, were published in France, he became known to Dimitrije Mitrinovi¢, founder of the New Atlantis, who invited him over to London for talks and discussions. He also lectured in London in 1938. During the second world war he had to leave France and settled in the Argentine. A short while before he died I visited Buenos Aires and went to see him, taking greetings and messages to him from Mitrinovié and his many friends in Europe. He was touchingly glad to see me, because he felt himself to be, not only a physical but a cultural exile, and anyone from Europe he greeted with open arms. If, in this lecture, I am able to convey to you something of the scope and profundity of his work, I shall feel that I have in some little measure repaid the kindness that he, a grand old man, showed me on that unforgettable occasion.

It was during the first world war that Dr Jaworski had his vision of the Biological Plan. One day, as he lay resting on his bed, he idly examined a biological tree which he had pinned up on the wall opposite. Looking at it he began to wonder why the birds were placed on the tree above the reptiles. Suddenly it came to him that the reptiles represented the digestive system and the birds the respiratory system. So of course the birds came above the reptiles, just as the nose comes above the mouth,