The Phœnician origin of Britons, Scots & Anglo-Saxons : discovered by Phœnician & Sumerian inscriptions in Britain, by preroman Briton coins & a mass of new history : with over one hundred illustrations and maps


Essex : Cat-wade, on Stowe, near Hedingham (2, 136-7). Chad-well, near Romford, with prehistoric barrows! and Bronze Age remains. Hai-field Broad Oak, with Bronze Age remains® (2, 133). Had-stock, with Briton coins. Hed-ing-ham, with Briton coins? and early Saxon remains (2, 137). Somerset . Cat-cot, on Polden Hill, with Burtle Moor adjoining, with Bronze Age remains.® Cat-cott, on River Brue, below Glastonbury. Cad-bury, N. of Sutton Montis, with hill and castle and prehistoric ‘“camp,’? and Roman remains, and tradition of Camelot of the Arthur legend (1, 78, 91-2). Cad-bury Camp, near Tickenham, with prehistoric earthworks.® Cad-bury Camp, near Yatton, N. of Barton, with earthworks.® Chat-worthy, on Brendon Hill. Chedd-ar and Cheddar Cliff,on Mendip Hills, below Barton and Priddy, with Neolithic and Bronze Age remains! (I, 108). Ched-zoy, in Parret Vale, near Chid-ley Moat, with Roman Remains. (1, 99). Chid-ley, near Bridgwater, with Roman remains (1, 98). Chut-on, near Glastonbury (1, 82). Cot-helston, in Quantock Hills, with Bronze Age remains? (I, 97). Cut-combe and parish, on Bredon Hill (1, 90). Goat-hurst and parish, in Parret Vale (1, 97). Goat Hill village, at Millborne Port. God-ney and God-ney Moor, at Glastonbury, with tradition of Joseph of Arimathea (1, 82). Hutt-on, near Burton, w. of Axbridge. Yatt-on, N.W. oi latter. Gloster : Cotes in Cotswold, with ancient earthworks (1, 413). Cottes-wold Hills, modern “‘ Cotswold ”’ (1, 379, 383). Ched-worth, N. of Cirencester, with Roman remains and barrows (I, 412). Goth-ering-ton, with prehistoric earthworks and barrows (I, 407). God-win Castle or “ Painswick (Punic or Poenig ?) Beacon,” with prehistoric barrows and Roman relics.* Sod-bury, with prehistoric earthworks." Worcester : Cothe-ridge, west of Worcester, with Bredi-cott. Gad-bury Bank, w. of Eldersfield, with prehistoric earthworks.* Kidd Hill, on Severn, near Pivion and Barton. Kidd-er-minster. Shrops : Chat-ford, at Condover, with Eaton Mascot, in Combrook Dale of Severn. Quatt and Quati-ford, on Severn, on opposite bank to Std-bury. Chett-on, on pass into Severn Valley, opposite Quatt. ' Evans, op. cit., 159. 2 Ibid, 104. * bid. and Proc. Soc, Antig., 16,327. “ Evans, op. cit., 63, 344- S[tid., 271, 422. ® Windle, op. ct?., 106. * [bid., 245. *Tbid., 245. ® Tbid., 245. 10 Tbid., 60. 11 Tbid., Ob, 12 [bid., 234. 13 Tbid., 234. 14 Thid., 251.