The Phœnician origin of Britons, Scots & Anglo-Saxons : discovered by Phœnician & Sumerian inscriptions in Britain, by preroman Briton coins & a mass of new history : with over one hundred illustrations and maps


Bronze Age in A.B. introd. by Pheenicians, 183; settlers of, in

Don Valley, 183, 357; and see Art

Bronze chariots in A.B. graves, 145

Brow, narrow, of pre-Priton

aborigines, 12c, 122, 1344., 140 Brude or Bruide title of kings of Picts, 35f. Brut, var. of Brutus, 190; the, of Layamon, 143, 319, etc. Bruteport, 172, 193 Bruttii tribe of Italy, Greece, 357 Brutus-the-Trojan, 1st king, “‘ First Dynasty”’ in Britain, 142f. ; ancestry of, 148, 151; arrival in

214, of

Albion, 155; associate Phoenicians of, 154, 1I590f.; banishes Sylvius Alba, 162f.; cause of coming, 167 ; civilizes aborigines, 155, 168f.; conquers “‘ giants ”’ (Amorites), 1553 Cornwall

allotted to Duke Corineus by, 155, 165; cultivates land, 155; date of arrival of, 165-7, 385f. ; fleet of, 152; founds London, 156, 4o7t.; at Gades, 154; in Greece, 151, 407f.; gives n. to Britain, 155; gives Phoenician and Trojan place and river names to Britain, 173f.; houses built by, 155; identity of, with Homeric Peirithoos, 163, 404f.; identity with Prydain, t9e ; iron introd. by(?), 183 ; as law-giver, 156; Phoenicians of Cilicia, Tyre and Sidon accomp., to Albion, 161; Stone of, at Totnes, 162 ; vision of, 153, 158f.; voyage to Albion, 152#., 1571.

Buildings in A.B., 155, 170; wooden architect. of Hitt-ite or Gothic type, 6of.

Bull emblem of Indara or Andrew in A.B., 250, 317

Burial in A.B., solar orientation, 225; ve Resurrection, 97.v., red Pigment in early, 224 ;

Burriton or “ place of the Barats,” n. of Penzance, 164, 193, 201 —hury or -burg, town

Hittite, 171

Button amulets of Sun-cult in A.B., 230f., 378; of Hitto-Sumerian and Trojan type, 239

affix is



Cabeiri, Phoenic. pigmy luck-gollywogs as Picts or Pihta (Ptah) Tin-miner and galley slaves 267

Cac legend on A.B. coins, 48 and cp. E.C.B. 353

Cad, title of Phcenics. and Britons, var. of Cat, Gad or Kad, ro, 7r1f., 180, 200, 203f., in A.B. placenames, 200, 205-7, 397f.

Cad-bury, with Briton “ camp ”’ and Pheenic. remains and Arthur legend, 174, 192, 398, 400

Cadeni or Gadeni tribe, 396

Cadiz, Phcenician port in Iberia, re Britain Tin trade, r6of.; see Gades

Cadmeian, Phoenic. script, 34

Cadmon, 180, see Caedmon

Cadmus, Phoenician king as Sea colonist, 41, 202

Caduceus, n, and emblem derived from Sumerian, 239, 242, 245, 252

Cad-van’s, St., stone of, 190

Cad-wallon, Cymric form of Cassivellaunus’ n., 69, 71, 207, 394

Cad-zow, as Phoenician town, 78, 308; pre-Christian Cross cf Hittite type at, 308

Cad-mon, properly Brito-Pheenician, dialect of, 179-80

Czr, Cymric fort, of n., 175

Czr-Leon or Isca, legend, 195

Czr-Lud or London, 7.2.

Czr-Marthen, ve Morites or Amorites, 217

Cesar (Julius), on Briton civilization, 113, 144; conflict with Cassivellaunus, 408; and London, 408; on Picts, 113, 144-5; on War-chariots of Britons, 145

Czxsarea in Hitto-Cappadocia, art of Briton type, 307, 410

Cait, ancestor of Part-olon, as Cathluan, 3906

Caith Briton tribe and Caithness, 78, 87, 200, 209

Cadmon, as 179; Briton

Sumer origin

and Arthur

Caithness early skulls at Keiss, Cassi or Mor (?), 210 Caiy Stone, cup-marks on, near

Edinburgh, deciphered, 237 Caledonia, origin and meaning of n., 117£. Caledonians as ‘* Kelts,”’ 1t7, 121, 140; ve Picts