The reconstruction of South-Eastern Europe


surpass everything attained until now in Europe. Materially and geographically the Danubian Monarchy was in a position to be envied by many other States. In variety and beauty of its scenery, in richness of its soil, in the extent of its frontiers, in space for the increase of its population, in the navigability of its rivers, in the safety, size and beauty of its seaports, in the wealth of its mines and forests the Hapsburg Empire was better provided than any other European country. It was difficult to discover anything lacking for its strength and prosperity.

And quite naturally, many logically thinking people hoped that Austria-Hungary would reform herself and become what she ought to be, thanks to the marvellous resources of her soil and gifts of her nations so lavishly bestowed upon the Empire by nature and history. They looked upon Austria-Hungary through the eyes of their dreams and wishes as a peaceful, conservative, non-aggressive State, where were met together in an amicable and willing union all the European races. Such a Danubian Monarchy was destined to become the model and forerunner of the future United States of Europe, when all her nations would be bound together in peace, love and mutual respect, for the realisation of a higher and loftier ideal and creation of a true Christian civilisation in spirit and unsurpassing beauty.

However, Austria-Hungary, far from tending
