The reconstruction of South-Eastern Europe


with them. Greece occupies a quite distinct geographical and economic position. Her ways of life and the psychology of her people differ widely from those of her neighbours. Greeks are a nation of sailors and traders. Economically Greece has little to offer and less to receive in joining the confederation of South-Eastern Europe. But her freedom and independence would be better respected if she joins in the loose defensive community of her neighbours.

Albania has really little to offer; but it is a moral duty of the Southern Slavs to respect Albania’s independence and to assist the Albanians in their way of progress and State life, to enable them to enter South-Eastern Europe as a rightful and desirable member.

Bulgaria has committed crimes which can be neither forgotten nor forgiven easily. It could hardly be expected that Roumania and Serbia, who know Bulgaria’s character, should like to co-operate with her. Twelve centuries have already passed since the Bulgars settled in Europe, and even to-day they are not sure whether they are a European or an Asiatic race. The original Bulgars lost themselves in the Slav Sea, of their language no traces are left, but their Mongolian character was never totally lost. The initial principle of their life: lust for conquest and devastation, manifested itself through centuries like sudden gusts of wind. Until now they have retained in their character much of the nature