The reconstruction of South-Eastern Europe


the Germans, and the Magyars have done everything to embitter the feelings and to provoke resistance.

After a drawn battle the weakness of AustriaHungary, bankrupt morally and financially, will become only more obvious. She will be less able than heretofore by herself to resist the pressure, and must sink to absolute dependence on Germany. The existence of Austria-Hungary will mean the prolongation of the unsettled conditions in Central Europe, a permanent danger to peace, and as long as she continues, the scheme of the Pan-German conquest of Europe will not be abandoned. A new and terrible conflagration will follow, and, who knows, perhaps with greater chances for Germany.

The same can be said in case of a partial victory of the Allies and of a partial satisfaction of the national claims of the Italians, Serbs, or Roumanians. With renewed fury the Germans and the Magyars will fall upon the unhappy nationalities in order totally to break their resistance and to extirpate the spirit of brooding revolt among them. Even the slightest increase in the territories of Serbia and Roumania will so stimulate the aspirations of their kinsmen in Austria-Hungary that the Hapsburg Monarchy will not leave a stone unturned in order to harm, ruin, or conquer them. Plot, intrigue, immoral treaties, instigation of wars in the Balkans are her beloved weapons, and Europe will not cease