The Vedic fathers of geology

104 Tus Vepic Fatuers or Grornocy. THE AZOIC EPOeH.

The Earth in 7ts primary or gaseous state, its subsequent molten or liquid condition, and

its final solid crust.


77 1 re Ee eee Vedic Texts and Authorities,

English Translation thereof,

-१ (अ) प्राचीनान्पर्वेतानषंहत्‌। ( उन्द्रः). ऋ वे० २.१७. ९.

सायणनाष्ये प्राचीनान्‌ इतस्ततः TAT UTA HSA: Tae |

(ज, यः प्रथिवी व्यथमानामहूTa: TATA TE | (35° Fe 2-12-2 ),

(@) He (Indra) made the moving mountains firm, that is solid; (moving, because, the mountains were formed of the mass of liquid matter ),

Wilson translates this as follows:—“He fixed the wandering mountains.” (Rig-Veda. IT. 17.5, Ed. 1854, yol. IT. p. 251)

(6) Who (Indra) made the trembling (becans= Moving to and fro, like water, on account of the liquid state of the) Earth firm, and made the mountains solid (that were rolling at first, when in a molten condition ), RigVeda II, 12,2.

= “€ who fixed firm the moving Darth; who Gaaqanlica fixed firm the moving Earth; who tranquillised the incensed mountains.” ( Wilson’s translation, Ed. 1854,

vol. II. p. 236 ),

The verse, however, refers beyond doubt, to the molten

state of the Earth, hard ernst,

and its subsequent solid condition and