The Vedic fathers of geology

108 Tu Vepic Fararrs or Gorey.

planet, life could not exist. But refrigeration was gradually proceeding in the very nature of things, and the consequent introduction of vitality after considerable time, had become compatible with its existence. For, the origin of life necesarily implied the fitness of the Earth for its sustenance, and when once the vitality commenced, there was progress from simpler conceptions to more highly organised orders,that is to say, from the weeds, herbs, and trilobites of the Paleozoic Era to the bone-clad fishes of the coal-measures, the reptiles of the oolite, and the huge mammalia of the Tertia i Epoch, with Man as the crowning piece of creation of the Period, as will be presently shown, in brief. We shall, therefore, tun our attention for a while to the paleontology of our Vedie Fore-Fathers, and give a few details of the Proterozoic and Paleozoic Period, Secondary or Mesozoic Epach, and Tertiary or Cainozoii

Era, (following Sir Charles Lyell, the great authority, in the classification of Geolovical Periods ), in the undermentioned statements: —

It may be observed that, one thing at any rate appears to be singularly prominent in the Geological Researches of our Rig-Vedic forefathers ; and we cannot let this fact pass ucnoticed, especially as the Vedic researches in