The Vedic fathers of geology

Tus Mesozoic Epocu. ete

Now, in regard to this statement, 1 may here note, that our Indian Geologists appear to have found that vitality in herbs and fish was followed by amphibious life-types (such as RA or tortoise ), and that the progress was naturally in the coming into being of such creatures as tortoise, frog, crocodile, &c., which lived in water as also on land. Besides, even modern geologists declare that “ amphibians were very abundant in the Trias,” which is but a sub-division of the secondary or Mesozoic Epoch. (The Student's Lyell. Edited by Professor John W. Judd. 1896. pp- 315, 331)

The amphibians and the crawling or reptile life-types were followed by the mammalian order, and we notice abrupt mention of the same, in the Vedic and Puranic works, as will be perceived from the next statement ; although, be it mentioned to the great credit of our Vedic Geologists, that in the Taittiriya Upanishad (II. 1), we discover to & certain extent a connected link in the evolution of Geological rocks, as also of changes in the form of Earth, from the Azoic to the Older Palzozoie or Proterozoic Epoch, and find a typically brief and yet scientific description “of the Primary Geological changes and of the state of rocks, to which, by the bye, we have referred to in detail, before. ( pp. 15 @ 24, 104 @ 113).