The Vedic fathers of geology

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ed therein will serve to exhibit the various authorities available, m each stage of evolution, from which the texts have been gleaned. I shall, therefore, endeavour 10 , analyse the Vedic Researches of the hoary past, and compare them with those of modern times, with the express purpose of seeing whether our wnaided forefathers of yore had well hit the target, or were altogether wide of the mark, in the investigation of the science of Geolory. Andas it is necessary to begin with the origin of our Planet, and then gradually proceed to find out the primary and subsequent formations of rocks, it would, by all means, be more convenient to scrutinise the foregoing statements, and attentively examine them, one by one.

Now, taking the first statement in all its details, we shall at once perceive that it relates to the Primary state of Earth, or at any rate to the condition in which the Globe was supposed to be, at first. What then do the Vedic texts tell us? Do they give us any valuable information ? Yes. They im rich hue of Golden Letters not only write the history of our Planet and tell its genuine tale, but open up an invaluable mine of wealth that yields rich information in respect of the elements of Vedic Geology, that had remained hidden and unexplored for ages. It is, therefore, obviously necessary to exploit and lay bare such seams as appear most precious.