The Vedic fathers of geology


Gireum Polar-regions 34, Europe 34, Ame-rica 34, and every where 61. Condensation of the aqueous vapour causing the fall of rain and giving rise to the first Thermal ocean 95. Connecting link between man and beast, or the intermediate link between the brute intelligence and the reasoning powers of man 88, 89. Cosmos 15. Evolution of-17. Cosmogony p- VI. Cosmology p. VI. Cows- Meaning light and water—57. Cradie( of the) Aryans 38, 153, ( vide A’ryavarta ) -of the Brahman religion 1522 -of the high civilization of the Hindus 152.

-of the human race 151.

—Primitive Cradle and the AtTyan Home- viz. A’ryavarta 144.

—of the world 181.

Creation- scene of-—being A’ryayarta—38, 75,

Creative energy dormant in the fluid 87.

Creator or ithe Prajapati,

-of Palaeozoic vegetation

and the fish 14,

= ee

-of the Mesozoic tortoise 14. -of the Tertiary mammalia 14, Crocodile 115. Croli-Dr.-84, 134. His Work Climate and Time & Climate and Cosmology 84. Crowning piece of Creationthe Man 88, 108, 128, 131. Cruiser—His views about the Cradle of the human race being India 141. Crust of the WHarth solid 104, 127. Cryptogams 110, Crystalline 96.


Dana, Dr. James. D. -the American Geologist= 16, 63, 110, 154. —His views about the scope of Geology 3. D’asa-the foe of A’rya—66. Desyus-the Vritra-serpents58. David Page. Dr, see Page, Dawn 39, 40, 49, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 64, 65, 68. Dawns-the everlasting -34,64, 65, 68, 72. —continuous 68. -long 69. Day-phenomena of long—34, 64, 65, 69, 72, 83. -Six monthly 64, 70, 80.