The Vedic fathers of geology


695 ( ओषधयः ) 16, 18, 22, 109, 112, 113, 128, 130. Hermes 140.

Sima laya-the northern boun-

dary-35, 76, 138, 141, 148, —the chain of-37, 41, —the Mountain 39, 41, 73, 74-75, 76, 77, 81, 138, 139, 145, 148, 149.

171288६ 138.

Hindus 91, 150.

—the Darwinians 91, -the Evolutionists 91. -the Philosophers 122, -the Spinozites 91,

Hindu Kusha-the Mountain. 62. Hindu life-Religion pervading in the-i4, 107. History of the Hindu Empire p. III, -of Greece 159, 140. Hofer 150. Hoary traditions received from our progenitors 61, Homa or Hoama of [ष्ण being the Soma ( 4 ) of Atyavarta 44,

fiome and Cradle viz, A’rydvarta 61, 68, ( vide Arydvarta or the Land of the Seven Rivers ),

Hooke 97.

fiunter-Dr. Sir William, —His reference to the age of Manu, our Law-giver 8.

Hutton-Dr. James-of Scotland—p. VI, 95, 124.

Huxleys 91.

Hyperboreans 152.

Hypothesis in respect of the A’ryan Cradle, wiz. —the Arctic Theory 153. -the European Hypothesis 153. —the Central Asian question 153.


Ice 81, 140, 141, 150) 1/9 Ice Age 33, 133, 135, 144. -the Great Ice Age 26, 31 33, 63, 72, 83, 134, 138, 143, 155, 156, 157. Ice—caps 35. Ice—floods 81, 134, 148, 150, 155. idealtove for Aryavarta -our Mother-Country 73. Igneous fusion—the Earth in the state of-19, 93, 95,105, 106, 107, 119, 122. Imperiai Gazetteer 102, 154. Incarnation 130, —of Boar 88, 112,116,131. -of Dwarf Man 88, 1.12; 11011141 -0 Vish 88, 111, 130. -of God 116. -of Man-Lion 88, 112,131. ~of Rama 116. -07 10110186 88, 112, 130.

147, 148,