Towards democracy

As the Greeks Dreamed 38s


; N the loose hot sands at foot of the cliffsThe cloudless blue burning above in furious mid day heatsAs I bask, Bathing my brown-tanned body in the warm dry clean grit, or cooling it in the sea; And the sea creeps up, spacious, in curves alotig the shore, With fringes of tawny lacework, and green and blue, deepening into the loveliest violet, And Aphrodite herself out of this marvellously beautiful robe, this liquid cincture, swiftly gliding, for a moment Stands, (Her feet on the watery plain, her head in the great “height against the Sun,)

Vast, glorious, white-armed, visible and invisible ;

As the sea stretches miles and miles, and the grey chalk cliffs and capes, fainter and fainter, run forward into it, looking on,

And the fisherman slumbers in the shade of his boat,

" impervious,

And fainter still and more slunibrous on the horizon, in

haze and silence the far ships go by;

Through it all, meseems, I see

How the human body bathed in the sheen and wet, steeped in sun and air,

Moving near an¢ nude among the elements,