Towards democracy

The One Foundation 393

And so, even to-day, while riches untold are wrung from the Earth, it is rather as a robbery that they are produced_ without gladness or gratitude, but in grief and sadness and lying and greed and despair and unbelief.

Say, say, what would those riches be, if the Earth and her love were free 2

But all waits. And the thunderclouds brood in silence over the lands, meditating the unlipped words of destiny ; and the sky rains light upon the mynad leaves and grass, searching inevitably into every minutest thing ;

And Ignorance breeds Fear, and Fear breeds Greed, and Greed that Wealth whose converse is Powerty—and these again breed Strife and Fear im endless circles ;

But Experience (which in time to all must come) breeds Sympathy, and Sympathy Understanding, and Understanding Loye ;

And Love leads Helpfulness by the hand, to open the gates of Power unlimited—eyen for that new race which now appears.

And the blue sea waits below the girdle of the sun-fringed shores, and lips and laps through the millenniums, syllabling the unformed words which man alone can pronounce entire ;

And the sunlight wraps the globe of the Earth, and dances and twinkles in the ether of the human heart,

Which is indeed a great and boundless ocean, in which all things float suspended.