Towards democracy

400 Towards Democracy

hand, and hardly knowing what he was doing fell on his knees: On the pavement, and held him. ;

And the man at first thought this was a ruse or a mere: conspiracy, but when he lifted the lad and looked in his: face he understood, for he saw love written there. And he: straightway loved and received him.

And this is of a boy who sat in school.

The masters talked about Greek accidence and quadratic : equations, and the boys talked about lobs and byes and bases + and goals; but of that which was nearest to his heart no one : said a word.

It was laughed at—or left unspoken.

Yet when the boy stood near some of his comrades in | the cricket-field or sat next them in school; he stocked and | stammered, because of some winged glorious thing which | stood or sat between him and them.

And again the laughter came, because he had forgotten | what he was doing; and he shrank into himself, and the walls: round him grew, so that he was pent and lonely like a prisoner...

Till one day to him weeping, Love full-grown, all-glorious, , pure, urlashathed, tnshackled, came like a god into his little: cell, and swore to break the barriers.

And when the boy through his tears asked him how he: would do that, Love answered not, but turning drew with his % finger on the walls of the cell.

And as he drew, lo! beneath his finger sprang all forms ; of beauty, an endless host—outlines and colors of all that is, |,

transfigured ;