Towards democracy

A Mightier than Mammon 405

disgust of his relatives—whose only consolation was to find he did not intend to bring her among them!

She in fact felt (and he knew) that she could not cope with ‘society’ ways and customs, and her true instinet was to spare herself the vulgarity.

They took a little house near London, and lived quietly and happily, allowing any of their friends, who had good sense enough, to come and see them—she meanwhile learning much about the great world, and he learning much which he had never known before about practical work and the needs of the people.

Then, later on, when he came into his estate, and they went down into the country, instead of living in the ancestral wigwam they agreed it better to build a decent-sized cottage -in the grounds for their own use;

And the Hall and outbuildings they fitted up as Workshops ; and gradually getting the village lads and girls together found them employment at various small trades and crafts ;

Till with the output of good and artistic work, their market became assured, and the affair grew rapidly in extent and solidity.

3 And the larger rooms they adorned in every way for library and reading purposes, and music and entertainments of all kinds; and the grounds were partly for recreation and partly for the cultivation of produce ;

So that before long the place became much known and sought after, and the employees (who all had a share in the concern) were mighty proud of it.