Towards democracy


O, when for an instant my friends (and I myself) appeared like insubstantial forms whirled to and fro

in the world, now jostled against each other, now carried apart | —the sport of the winds and the waves, and puppets moved. by the tangled threads of chance:

All at once the heavens opened, and I beheld, magnificent, serene—

Like mountains in the morning towering over the earth, | changeless, or changing only as the mountains change,

[And Time and. all the years were but a mist which

rolled against them, Hiding, revealing, here an outline, there an outline, Here a ledge of blooming flowers, there a black and! lowering crag |That other world where the Sun shines for ever, Those other Forms that move not from their place.


O lie all night beside the loved one—how lovely ! T To hold in one’s artns something so precious, saic beautiful, ; Dear head and hair and lips and limbs that shrine eternity,|, Through scent and sense and breath and touch and loveForgetting all but this one—all but this one. ;