Towards democracy

410 Towards Democracy

O-Cuitp or URANUS

CHILD of Uranus, wanderer down all times, Darkljng, from farthest ages of the Earth the same Strange tender figure, full of grace and pity, Yet outcast and misunderstood of men—

Thy Woman-soul within a Man’s form dwelling,

[Was Adam perchance like this, ere Eve from his side was drawn ?]

So gentle, gracious, dignified, complete,

With man’s strength to perform, and pride to suffer = without sign,

And feminine sensitiveness to the last fibre of being ;

Strange twice-born, having entrance to both worlds—

Loved, loved by either sex, :

And free of all their lore!

I see thee where down all of Time thou comest ;

And women break their alabaster caskets, kiss and_ anoint thy feet, and bless the womb that bare thee,

While in thy bosom with thee, lip to lip,

Thy younger comrade lies.

Lord of the love which rules this changing world,

Passing all partial loves, this one complete—the Mother ! love and sex-emotion blended—

I see thee where for centuries thou hast walked,

Lonely, the world of men,