Towards democracy

The Babe A

And far around this dream of human presence—

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Nature, and my sweet Helpmate whom I worship, With the dear god that dwells behind them both.

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a ha trio perfect: the man, the woman, and the babe: And herein all Creation.

The two, with wonder in their eyes, from opposite worlds Of sex, of ancestry, pursuits, traditions,

Each other suddenly, amazed, confronting—

A nameless glory each in each surmising, '

A frenzy as of Gods—

Imperial rage, flinging the goods of the world aside as dross, to reach to a priceless treasure:

[He madly invasive,

She deeply wise, and drawing farther back

Even to the gates of Paradise as he approaches 4]

Strange ecstasy of warfare! :

Seisin and ravishment of souls and bodies,

Veils rent asunder,

Heaven opening measureless, overhead, in splendor,

And all life changed, transfigured !

And then a calm. Weeks of humdrum and mortal commonplace,

And months perchance in monotone of toil, 28