Towards democracy

I Saw a Farr House

SAW a fair house standing in a garden, but no one moved about it; And I said to some who stood by, Who is the owner or dweller here? And they said, We know not. Sometimes we see a form é at a window. but it is for a moment only, and then it is gone.

Then I went up to the door of the house, and turned the handle very softly, and went in.

And the house was like a place deserted, yet was there a kind of order as if it might be used; and the tables were laid with victuals, and there was no lack of necessaries or of comforts ;

And servants passed along the corridors ; so I asked one of them, Where is the mistress of your house?

And he said, I know not.

Then I went on again, and passed softly through many rooms, and peeped into others ;

And at last ina far chamber I came upon the figure of a woman, alone, and seated ona chair, with her head on her

knees, and buried in her hands;