Towards democracy

The Coast of Liguria 429

now low and distant, now rising with the storm and mingling with the ocean-roar and wild cry of the wind: while overhead amid the breaking lights was a fluttering as of Wings.

And presently a change came over my dream; and looking again I saw that the storm had ceased, and the promontory was lying there in the sunshine, calm and peaceful; and the rocks were black no more, but full of color and glory; and the hero figures were in their places, at rest and beautiful to look on; and even the monsters that had seemed so terrible had a grace of their own, transformed in the peaceful light to harmless grotesque things. And the whole land seemed to thrill with a subterranean music, and on a high crag brooding over all was a figure with arms outstretched.

And once more my dream changed ; and I looked, and the rocks had become like ordinary rocks and sea-cliffs, and grasses and wild flowers grew, and little habitations nestled, in the hollows of them ; and the sea crawled about the boulders lying below them; and the promontory ran out into the Ocean, and ships went past it to all parts of the world.

Tue Coast or Licuria

THOUSAND years are nothing. Once the Ligurian, sturdy and thickset, scaled Nhese rocks, And built his beehive huts of unhewn stone on the limestone terraces,