Towards democracy

Monte Carlo 435

[Thou whose remembrance passes through all sights and asounds, transforming and transforming them]Why through the veil of this material texture showest thou not, dear soul of things, thy face?

What dumbness holds you?

O divine vast Earth,

Why utterest not the voice we long to hear?

Monte Caro

LL the long afternoon in a cloudless sky, slowly A towards its setting the sinking sun

Looks on a scene of wonderful beauty.

Deep below over the rocks, through luscious tangles of 2 geranium and rose and heliotrope in flower, the sea sparkles 2a rich turquoise blue;

Palms mingle with mimosa and myrtle amid the gardens ;

The little cape of Monaco stands out, a stone’s-throw =: across the harbour—the mountains of Mentone run down to the > sea—and overhead in the clear air rise (two thousand feet) the 3 great frowning rocks of Turbia, with their ancient Roman tower.

In front of the Casino, on a gravelled space, dazzling in | light, a throng of all nationalities—Germans, Russians, French, | Italians, English, Americans—goes to and fro,

Or sits at the Café tables, sipping coffee and cognac and 1 maraschino :

The puffy fussy Germans, the dull-eyed English, the | feverish Russians and French.