Towards democracy

442 Towards Democracy

The soul’s true being—the cosmic vast emancipated life —Freedom, EqualityThe precious semen of Democracy.


H™ on a rock that juts above the Lauterbrunnen yalley, ] Seven thousand feet in air, a little floor of grass, Even and smooth, with flowersThe little dancing-ground, they call it (and have called, how many centuries ?)—

And then across the gorge, and again some seven thou- .

sand feet higher, In slopes of rock and ice, the Jungfrau towering over, Proud and magnificent ; and in her train seven mountains(Roth-thalhorn, Gletscherhorn, Ebne Fluh, Mittaghorn, Grosshorn, Breithorn and Tschingelhorn)Standing there like a wall and sending their glaciers to the valley.

[And far behind the wall, far miles and miles, but invisible from here,

Great rivers of ice between the glistening black and

scarred crags

Flow, tossing and twisted, with sea-green escarpments |

and fissures, and scaly snaky moraines, and glittering snowfields above them, sharp on the dark blue sky, All stretching, far as the eye may see, in endless silence,