Towards democracy
32 Towards Democracy
And within, blinding burning hatred, bottomless yawning pits opening in the midst of life—of love, of jealousy, of desire—vast gales and whirlwinds carrying away the superstructure and the plans of years.
Waves ard storms of the ocean within; shipwreck and disaster of life; fortune, health, honor, love, gone down seeming irretrievably in the great signless waste; and still the stars shining calm on the flying spray, and the immense placid heaven unmoved going back to innumerable other worlds and radiant birth-places and pilgrimages and possessions of the Soul without end.
XXI I do not forget you. I see you quite plainly. But why should one god leave his throne to scrape favors at the feet of other gods ? Surely it is enough to be here—and always to be Here.
T weave these words about myself to form a seamless web without beginning or ending. I do not spin a yarn for you to reel off at your leisure ; nor do I pour out water into pots. of the female—which if
This is one of my bodies you penetrate with true sexual power, clinging it shall conceive, and you shall know me in part—by the answer of the eyes of children, yours and mine, looking up from the grass and down from the sky upon you as you walk.
And if you understand me I will draw you away from all sorrow—So that no evil can happen to you. Not at first will it be so, but afterwards, after a time.