Towards democracy

454 Towards Democracy

Nevertheless she never missed a single day, or even a quarter.

She never gave in till the very last. f

: Then one day at dinner-time she came home and went to bed.

But at 9 p.m. the youngest son going up found her dressed !—‘‘O yes, the house wanted tidying, and she would” attend to it, as she was going to work in the moming, andl there was no one else to do so!”

But in the morning there was someone else, and the | house was tidied without her ;

For she lay in her chamber, dead.


N a little stinking shop, hardly seven feet squareJust one room in a London back street, where nearly

every room lodges a family—

With two or three little paraffin stoves in, and bowls and pots horribly steaming, for dyeing gloves—

A man, some forty years old, burly and well-brained but broken down and bloated with drink, plying a trade. :

“Do you see?” he says, “I buy these white evening kids, what have been cast off, from the slop-dealers, at SO) much a score. Then I gets a woman to mend ’em and put buttons on, and then I dyes ’em black, in these ‘ere | pots.

[As good as new, d’you see? See how they shine when they’re got up—and the black’ll never come orf.]