Towards democracy

China 471

back, the body breaks in sweat, forms gibber and voices jabber—and presently the doctor is called. ]

Mind starved and body starved, and heart, too, starvedIs this the Doom of Man to his outeast fellow?

Only for those whose minds and hearts are already stunted—for the merely brutish by nature—the fate reserved Is easier.

For them, two thoughts alone dominate—Hunger, the ever-present craving for food, the counting and computing of meals in prospect, sufficiently degrading ;

And Sex, the everlasting curiosity and imagination (and act if possible) ;

But no word, no possibility presented to them, of Man. hood; no word, no possibility, of Love.

And so for those who care not that such possibilities should be presented,

Is the easier fate reserved !

, CHINA, A.D. 1900

F** in the interior of China, Along low-lying plains and great river-valleys, and i by lake-sides, and far away up into hilly and even mountainous 1 regions, Behold! an immense population, rooted in the land, trooted in the clan and the family,

The most preductive and stable on the whole Earth 21