Towards democracy

Now is the Accepted Time 479

To love without sorrow ; and to send love forth to bathe i the world, healing it from its wounds :

Ah! who at last but the lover should know what | Heath ise

Tue Everiastine Now

HEN all life has been rich in experience shall not Death be rich in experience also?

Hold fast to the actual, and do not go outside eood JSENSE ;

Do not let your mind stray into a world of negations and @mpossibilities, or try to image some future time when it will 19e unable to image anything—for there is no sense in that.

Do not wander too far into time at all, lest with the revetlasting Now—the centre of all life and experience, and your own true lover—

You fail to keep your first appointment.

Now 1s THE AccepTeD TIME

MID all the turmoil and the care—the worry, the A fever, the anxiety, The gloomy outlook, fears, forebodings, The effort to keep up with the rush of supposed necesjities, supposed duties, The effort to catch the flying point of light, to reach the sven of Peace—always in the future—