Towards democracy

The Wandering Lunatic Mind 485

But if you tum and wait upon it—and its mouth and its | belly and its sex-wants and all its little ape-tricks—preparing --and dishing up pleasures and satisfactions for these,

Why, then instead of the body becoming like you, you

will become like the body,

Incredibly stupid and unformed—going back im the path - of evolution—you too with fish-mouth and toad-belly, and

imprisoned in your own members, as it were an Ariel in a blundering Caliban.

Therefore quite lightly and decisively at each turning point in the path leave your body a little behind—

With its hungers and sleeps, and funny little needs and

_ vanitles—paying no attention to them ;

Slipping out at least a few steps in advance, till it catch you up again,

Absolutely determined not to be finally bound or weighted down by it, ;

Or fossilized into one set form—

Which alone after all is Death.

THe Wanpverinc Lunatic Minp

O not pay too much attention to the wandering lunatic Mind.

When you have trained it, informed it, made it clear, decisive, and your flexible instrument and tool, Why, do not then reverse the order and become the mere