Towards democracy

Nothing Less than All 487

Absolutely determined not to be bound by any of its ) conclusions; or fossilized in any pattern that it may invent ;

For this were to give up your kingdom, and bow down + your neck to Death.

As a Moutp For soME Farr ForM

S a mould for some fair form is made of plaster, ana then when it is made and the form is cast therein, | the plaster is broken and flung asideSo, and for a form fairer than aught thou canst imagine, } thy body, thy intellect, thy pursuits and accomplishments, and ; all that thou dost now call thyself, Are the mould which in time will have to be broken and |. flung aside. Their outlines are the inverse of thy true form: looking ' on them thou beholdest—what thou art not.

Notuine Less THan ALL A LL, all—and nothing less than all.

4 Eyer men say: Here lies the truth, There lies the truth —Take this, cast that aside—Throw in thy lot with us—We ; are the wise, the rest are fools. But I am as one dumb—I try to speak, to say what is in | my mind, but words fail me. I go with these wise folk a little way, and then I draw back again; I throw in my lot with them, and then alas! I throw in with the fools.

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