Towards democracy

Towards Democracy 45

then the No of millions is nothing at all; then fire, the stake, death, ridicule, and bitter extermination, are of no avail whatever ;

When the Ideal has once alighted, when it has looked forth from the windows with ever so passing a glance upon the Earth, then we may go in to supper, you and I, and take our ease—the rest will be seen to;

When a new desire has declared itself within the human heart, when a fresh plexus is forming among the nervesthen the reyolutions of nations are already decided, and histories unwritten are written.


I charge you, O traveler, that you disbelieve nota voice comes in the cool of the evening:

I charge you that in the secret unspoken word you disbelieve not, sacred, and the first almighty Thing,

Moving among cities and over the open sea—adyancing to deliverance in us;

Night and day, youth and old age, willing and unwilling —advancing to deliverance in us.

Dumb and of no account, her beauty now and then only (or at night when no one is near) before the glass disrobing, trembling, lonely, unresponded—yet mightier than all the array and splendor of the Earth—I charge you that you do not disbelieve!

Outwards all proceeds: Brahma from himself sheds and shreds the universes; I from myself, you from yourself.