Narodna skupština
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This was the official journal about the work of the National Parliament which was published in Belgrade from 1890 to 1893 on those days when the Parliament worked. It was published by the National Parliament, it was printed in the “Kraljevsko-srpska državna štamparija”. Ranko Petrovic was the editor-in-chief and the journal was also edited by Parliament secretaries such as Ranko Petrovic, Dobroslav Ruzic i Ljubomir Ciric. The journal contained the news on the work of the Parliament, reports of the Parliament sessions, speeches of the members, decisions, proposals and draft proposals, texts of the approved laws, regulations, etc.
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Title | Narodna skupština : službeni list o radu srpske Narodne skupštine / odgovorni urednik Ranko Petrović ; uređuju skupštinski sekretari Ranko Petrović, Dobroslav Ružić i Ljubomir Ćirić |
Key title | Narodna skupština (Beograd. 1890) |
Type of material | časopis |
Language | srpski |
Publish date | 1890-1893 |
Numbering | God. 1, br. 1 (25. novembar 1890/91)-god. 3, br. 71 (31. decembar 1893) |
Publication and manufacture | Beograd : Narodna skupština, 1890/91-1893 (Beograd : Kraljevsko-srpska državna štamparija) |
Physical description | 32 cm |
Frequency | Izlazi svaki dan za vreme skupštinskog rada |
ISSN | 2334-6663 |
Notes |
UDK | 342.53(497.11)"18" |
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COBISS.SR-ID | 31130636 |