Policijski glasnik
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“Policijski glasnik” is a weekly which was published in Belgrade from August 9th 1897 to December 25th 1904. Since its third edition the subtitle of this journal was “Expert journal for all police activities” and in 1901 it changed its subtitle into “Expert journal for the safety police and the administration of police municipal authorities”. In 1905 the subtitle of the journal was “The official journal of the Ministry of Interior” and at that time it got new numeration. It was renewed after the WWI and its publication started again in 1920. The Board of the Ministry of Interior was the owner of this famous journal and Naum Dimitrijevic was the editor. The first edition of the journal outlined its goal: “expert journal for all police, municipal and state activities”. In addition to expert articles on criminology and judiciary, this journal contained supplements from judiciary practice, different suggestions, announcements, official announcements, warrants, even literary supplements and the like. The prominent people of that time were the contributors: Radoje Domanovic, Jovan Skerlic, Borisav Stankovic, Janko Veselinovic, Simo Matavulj, dr Milan Jovanovic – Batut. The journal contained 250 translated articles written by 80 foreign authors.
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