Bitef, 01. 01. 2007., str. 247


Milica Tomic (b.l 960) works as visual artist, primarily video, film, conceptual art, photography, performance, light and sound Installation, web projects and visiting lecturer: Fine Art Academy Vienna, Fine Art Academy Helsinki, Riet Zwart Institute (Willem de Kooning Academy), Rotterdam.

Tomic's work was exhibited in a wide international context including the Venice Biennale 2001, 2003, Sao Paulo Biennale! 998, Istanbul Biennale 2003 and Sidney Biennale 2006, Prague Biennale 2007, as well as in Museum of Modern Art Arnhem, Kunsthalle Vienna, Museum of Modern Art, Stockholm, Museum of Modern Art Vienna, Miro Foundation Barcelona, Ludwig Museum Budapest, Ludwig Museum Vienna, Malmo Konsthalle, Palazzo Deila Triennale Milano, Museum of Contamporary Art Beigrade, Museum of Contemporary Art Leipzig, State Museum of Contemporary Art Thessaloniki, Kunsthalle Frideridanum Kassel, Copenhagen Contemporary Art Center, Brooklyn Museum of Art New York, Freud Museum. London, KIASMA Helsinki, National Museum of Art, Oslo, Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam etc.

Milica Tomic is DAAD Artist in Residence Berlin.


Laszlo Upor (b. 1957) is a freelance dramaturg, translator, essayist, editor and university lecturer.

He has worked as a dramaturg in many mainstream theatres and coliaborated with some of the eminent Companies of the independent ("alternative") scene in Hungary, creatingstraight, dance and puppet performances. He has written extensivelyon theatre and film, and translated over4o plays as well as several novéis and volumes of essays. For more than ten years now, he's been editing a series of Contemporary international drama anthologies in Hungarian. He also edited a volume of Hungarian plays in Engllsh for Nick Hern Books in London. Laszlo has been teaching at the Budapest Drama Academy for nearly two decades and lectured at other Universities in Hungary. In 2002 he was invited to Portland State University (USA) as a visiting professor.

The highlights of his international work-experience were several months of residencies in leading French, British, American and Irish theatres. As a consequence he established an ongoing working relationship with several Companies and many theatre practitioners in those countries .