A B C of modern socialism

69 possible by (a) the formation of great capitalist trusts which in return for unconditional life service will undertake to provide the proletariat class with security for life; or (b) by the institution of state capitalism (otherwise called Collectivism) which will under the same.

Which is the better means of abolishing the wage system?

The better means is what is known as Emancipation. It consists in the establishment of National Industrial Guilds.

What is a Guild?

A Guild is a self-governing brotherhood of producers having a complete monopoly of the labourpower of their industry.

What is a National Guild?

A National Guild is such a Guild chartered by the State to carry on an industry nationally.

By what means can National Guilds be formed ?

National Guilds can be formed by the co-operation of men of political, moral and social intelligence with the existing trade unions.

What is the difference between a trade union and a Guild?

Unlike a Guild, a trade union does not exist, and is not organised to carry on an industry but to keep up the wages of its members; it includes only the wage-earners of its industry, and excludes the salariat ; in consequence, it has not a complete monopoly of the labour-power necessary to its industry.

How can a trade union become a Guild?

A trade union can become a Guild only by a series